昨天收到小妹Eliza的包裹, 說是要給我們兩個的生日禮物~ 由於山姆大叔還在上班, 我就自己先拆開來看!! 結果我一看到這個禮物, 就知道山姆大叔一定會很喜歡, 果然他一回來看到這個禮物, 就一直說讚啦!! Eliza你是會讀心術還是怎樣, 實在太強了!!!
說了半天究竟是啥東西?! 就是這台Sony的Dream Machine啦!! 乍看之下是有廣播功能的鬧鐘, 但是旁邊一拉開就是iPod的架子可以聽iPod, 還有遙控器可以遙控喔!!! 但是這不只是這樣而已, 把圓圓的鐘面拉開還可以放CD喔!!! 而且還有支援MP3的功能說!!! 真的是相當的小巧美觀又實用!!!
我們之前才在討論要找類似這樣的東西, 因為除了想播放iPod之外, 有時候也會想聽廣播, 而我們又把CD音響賣掉了, 變成沒有CD player可以播放CD. 這下子真的什麼功能都有了~~
We LOVE it!!!! Thank you sooooo much, Eliza!!! 雖然你的生日過去了, 我們可以送滿月禮嗎??
看來我的Bud No.1已經長大成人了, 因為今天我發現Bud No.2已經自動發芽, 那我就繼續種下去吧~~ 這次會是什麼樹呢?
hahaha glad u like it.At first I was trying to find a coach skin for your iPod then I saw this at the Sony store...I remember you always have music on in your living room when you eat breakfast in Chicago..and I\'m like...THIS IS IT!! hahaha~And of course Sam would love it cause it\'s cool looking and it\'s SONY XDYou don\'t have to give me anything for my bday. You gave me a lot of gifts already (past Xmas etc.)~Hum...maybe free stay and meals when I visit you in the future! lol
回覆刪除No problem~~ You can stay here anytime~~~ I\'ll even throw in free tour guide and driver, how\'s that sound? ^^