2011年3月27日 星期日

日本行 - 仙台


It took me a while to write about our trip to Japan. I didn’t know how to start after the 311 earthquake hit Japan. I was devastated by it, because the places we’ve just visited a month ago was the places that was hit the most. At the end, I decided to document our good memories while we were there, and truly hope that one day, these places would be restored even greater and better!!

2011年3月22日 星期二

Back at Last!!


After a 3 week delay, we’re finally back to the US. Maybe we were in Taiwan a bit too long, being here still felt unreal to us. Especially now that I have to start cooking again makes me miss Taiwan even more!!!



I think we really were away too long, even a pair of doves took residence on our patio. At first I wanted to move them because they made their nest in a flower pot right by the patio door, and every time I opened the door they scared the hell out of me when they flew away, which is not good for either of us!! But doves are really not the brightest bird in the world. When I moved the pot to another shelf away from the door, they would still fly back to the old spot and couldn’t find the nest. So I had to move the pot back. Yesterday I discovered they had an egg. Now they are really staying for good!! Sigh….. (My poor plant…. Hope it will survive this!!)

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其實在我們回台灣的前一天剛好是山姆大叔的生日,因為怕會吃不完不想買大蛋糕,杯子蛋糕自然是最佳的選擇。不曉得為何近幾年杯子蛋糕特別的流行,在我們家附近又剛好有一家Sprinkles Cupcakes新開幕,我就想說來去試試看好了。一到店外面,乖乖真是不得了,竟然排了一條長龍!!我當下還猶豫了一會兒不太想買了,但想到是為了山姆大叔就還是排下去了。回家上網查了才知道,原來這家Sprinkles Cupcakes非常有名,還號稱是比弗利山莊的第一家杯子蛋糕店呢!!他們的蛋糕是長的真得很可愛就是了,口感和味道也還不錯,會有名不是沒有道理的,會包裝還是很重要的啊!!完全沒想到我還會去買蛋糕慶祝生日的山姆大叔當然是非常的驚喜,是說甚麼時候山姆大叔也能讓我驚喜一下啊?!

The day before we went back to Taiwan was actually Sam’s birthday. I didn’t want to get a big cake that we couldn’t finish so cupcakes were the perfect choice. Cupcakes have become quite popular these years, and Sprinkles Cupcakes just opened a store near our place. I thought this would be a great opportunity to try it so I headed out. To my big surprise, there was a long line outside the store, and for a minute I even thought to give it up, but this was for Sam, so I waited in line. Afterwards I learned that Sprinkles Cupcakes is quite famous and was the first cupcake shop opened in Beverly Hills. Their cupcakes do look very cute, their taste and texture are quite nice as well. I can see why they are this famous~ I totally surprise Sam with this little celebration. When will he pick up the clue and surprise me someday?!

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Please remember this photo of Sam before we went back to Taiwan. His face totally rounded after we came back…..