2005年9月29日 星期四







有紅燒肉(帶肥的那種喔!!), 干貝絲瓜, 鮮魚湯, 高麗菜,

還有從 Eliza 那裡ㄎ一ㄤ 來的菲律賓口味雞腿和紫菜,




2005年9月27日 星期二


因為上班太無聊 (還好老闆看不懂中文......),




原來是藏在Control Panel ---> Regional and Language --->  Options Languages ---> Details下.




2005年9月18日 星期日

Lavonne's Wedding


September 17, 2005 was a very special day. It is the day Lavonne got married. It took me 6.5 hours to drive from Chicago to Cincinnati and another 6.5 hours back, but it was really worth it. I got to see Lavonne in a dress – which doesn’t happen very often, not to mention with full hair and makeup done. She looks stunning in her wedding dress!! She was a very beautiful and happy bride.

I had to wake up at 5:30am (4:30 central time…) that morning because I was going to help Lavonne with her hair and make up. Maybe it was because of the excitement, or maybe it was the coffee that I drank when I was driving, I practically didn’t have any sleep that night, and the pool party that took place at the hotel didn’t help either. The loud music didn’t stop until 2:00 am in the morning, and I can hear the music even on the fifth floor. We drove in the dark to the hotel Lavonne’s cousin Lee Ann (I hope I spelled it right…) was staying, and she did her hair there. After knowing that the very pregnant Lee Ann had to drive 18 hours to get here, I felt that the 6 hours drive for me was nothing.

We arrived at Ault Park at dusk. It was a very beautiful place. The Italian style pavilion is sitting on the top of a hill overlooking a formal lawn. When standing on the terrace, you can see hills of trees in the distance. While we helped Lavonne getting dressed, everyone else was helping to set up the place. Even the groom himself had to drive the rose bushes on site and put them into place. When I saw the rose bushes that Lavonne grew herself, I can’t believe that those were the sticks I saw a few months ago. Red and white buds were ready to open, if only they would bloom one week earlier. Man!! Getting married is really a lot of work!! So many details that need to be taken care of. Thank god there was Jess taking care of stuff. It was her that made this wedding ran so smoothly.

I was so glad to see the M&M girls; all of them look so cute in their dresses!! I missed Netty’s laughs and hugs, and I got to see Jen, too!! The ceremony was graceful and unique, with the sand and rose ceremony and releasing the balloon at the end. I was very touched by the ceremony, and almost break out with tears at the end. But it was Netty’s speech that made us all cry. I think it really touched our hearts, and it will stay with us for a very long time.

Even though it was a long day for me, I had a wonderful time. I am very happy for Lavonne, and I’m really glad that they found each other. Maybe all of you single people out there should try internet dating, too!! Maybe you will find your soul mate just like Lavonne did!!   


2005年9月13日 星期二

Hair Cut

I got a hair cut yesterday~~

I think the last time I cut my hair was one year ago when I was in Taiwan......

After getting trapped in my hair when I sleep,

I finally decided to get a hair cut.

It wasn't too bad,

but I still think the hair dressers in Taiwan are MUCH better~~

2005年9月11日 星期日


每個週末的早晨, 我都喜歡坐在餐桌前, 一邊喝著香醇的奶茶一邊看書. 每次讀到一個段落, 一抬頭就可以看見陽台落地窗外的大楓樹, 或隨風搖曳, 或靜靜佇立.

四季分明的芝加哥, 是觀察大自然變化最佳的地點. 而我窗外的這棵大楓樹, 就是提醒我換季的指標. 盛夏時滿樹的碧綠, 在秋天來臨便轉變成一樹金黃. 當第一場大雪降臨, 又將光禿的樹枝染上一層雪白. 當你開始厭倦一層不變的白色世界時, 春天便悄悄來到, 翠綠的新芽及花朵又佔滿了枝頭, 帶來無限生機.

2005年9月8日 星期四

Pai-Heng's Garden Opening~

This is my new place to share all my photos~~

I hope I can keep it up to speed!!