2006年4月16日 星期日

Wildseed Farms!!



這個Wildseeds Farms離卡城約三個半小時車程, 剛開始一路上只見五顏六色的野花開在路旁,還不時見到牛馬在草原上散步,直到進入德州所謂的Hill Country後平坦的草原不見了,取而代之的是山巒起伏的丘陵地,肥沃的土壤也變成了粗糙的岩壁. 就在我們快要餓死之前忽然眼前一亮,一大片紅紅紫紫的花田出現在眼前,真的是美極了!!!


Wildseeds Farms是全美最大的野花田,他們種植這些野花並收集種子販賣,由於開花期間景色十分壯麗,老闆便開放給遊客參觀,酌收一點門票賺些外快. 當然你也可以來此挑選一些植物,要不是我們要開那麼遠回去我都想搬幾盆花回家.... 裡面還有賣些當地農產品及酒, Hill Country似乎也是德州的產酒地. 我們吃了好吃的桃子冰淇淋,還買了兩瓶酒贊助一下. 台灣也有不少觀光花田,但是我覺得並沒有這間管理的這麼好. 也許是台灣人實在太多,每到週末花大概就被破壞殆盡了,所以管理起來比較困難吧.....


之後我們繞到德國村中逛逛順便吃晚餐, 德國村之所以被稱為德州村是因為最早是由一群德國移民建村的. 我覺得村中並沒有很多德國特色,但是主街上有許多舊式建築及民俗店,還有德國食物可以品嚐. 我們當然不可免俗的吃了一餐,啤酒還不錯喝,Sam喝了半杯臉就紅了....我們還點了德國香腸,味道真的不一樣喔!!   


Wildseed Farms website: http://www.wildseedfarms.com/

2006年4月10日 星期一

Life in Texas...

Ok, I admit I've been slacking on my Blog lately.....Really, it's not because that I am lazy, it's just that there is not that much exciting things going on here....


It is almost a month since I came back to Texas, and I think I'm finally getting use to the life here. You might think that I really shouldn't complain about sleeping as much as I want and doing whatever I like every day, but it is really not that simple. The first couple of weeks was miserable, because of the weather changes, the allergies which I never had before, and the clutter in the house.... I think the most difficult thing for me to get use to is living with someone else. After living alone and being independent for so long, I'm not use to having to live with someone else, even if it's with your family or with someone you love. Believe me, I love  Sam very very much, but sometimes he can drive me crazy, too. We had to adjust our day to day habits and we even went through a couple arguments because of such little things. But things are definitely better now after we have talked things through and the house being more spacious. Because Sam usually studies at night, I even gave up watching TV at night, or use a headphone when I'm watching it. I still have big mood swings from time to time and poor Sam is still the first victim from it, but I think he will get use to it very soon....


Now that I made Sam ridding the bike to school and I got the car back again, I can start to expand my entertainment and go shopping, too. I've already figured out how to get to the supermarket and most important - the mall!!! Well, maybe it is a good thing that there is no Banana Republic or J Crew around here, so I won't spend all my savings on shopping too soon.....