2011年3月27日 星期日

日本行 - 仙台


It took me a while to write about our trip to Japan. I didn’t know how to start after the 311 earthquake hit Japan. I was devastated by it, because the places we’ve just visited a month ago was the places that was hit the most. At the end, I decided to document our good memories while we were there, and truly hope that one day, these places would be restored even greater and better!!


Now a days Taiwanese won’t need a VISA to visit Japan, unlike CERTAIN country that took forever to give us our VISA… yes, I’m still bitter about it!! I have transferred in Japan countless times, but haven’t really visited there, therefore, I was very excited about this trip. I have to thank my two little nephews who made this trip happen, because their grandpa promised to take them to  experience Japan’s Super Express~~ Plus the whole Chiang family likes food, so the whole trip we were either on the train or enjoying delicious food!!!

仙台 Sendai -


We took a direct flight from Taoyuan to Sendai airport, yup, it was the same airport that was attacked by the tsunami. The photo below was the only photo we took at the airport. I still remembered it being very bright and clean, quite outstanding for a small airport!!



There’s a train that takes to directly to downtown Sendai, very convenient~~

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Before dinner, we had some time to visit a Shrine. I did not know the story about this one, but it had a special atmosphere. I love all the little details about this place, but again, Japan is all about the details!! I wonder if this Shrine was spared from the water?

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到達日本的第一餐吃甚麼呢?炭烤牛舌!!!聽說仙台就是這種碳烤牛舌的發源地,所以來到這裡當然要來嘗嘗囉~~~就在仙台車站裡就有兩家很有名的碳烤牛舌店,我們選擇的是利久牛舌。會來這家吃的大多是當地人,因為座位不多,排隊的人通常都很多,我們很幸運的 "只等了" 半個小時就等到位置了。但這等待是值得的!!因為那牛舌真是太好吃了!!!肉超嫩一點也不難嚼,還帶著濃濃的碳烤香~~一份餐點還包含牛尾湯和一碗飯,以及我實在不敢恭維的山藥泥。甚麼?!照片怎麼這麼少?!吃都來不及了怎會有時間拍照?!

So what did we have for our first meal in Japan? Grilled beef tongue of course!!! It is said the this kind of grilled beef tongue was originated here in Sendai. We went to Gyutan Sumiyaki Rikyu which was located right in Sendai Station, people who comes here are usually locals. It was a small place, so there’s usually a line outside. We “only” waited for 30minutes in the line, but it was all worth it!! That beef tongue was sooooo delicious!!!!! What? Not enough photos? Sorry, I was too busy eating!!!

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Speaking of Sendai Station, it’s almost a world of itself!! There’re so many shops inside, including all sorts of bakeries and desert stands. Because it was my birthday that day, Sam suggested to get a cake for a little celebration. After a few tastings, we decided on the Japanese Baumkuchen (Tree Ring Cake). Doesn’t it look just like a tree ring?! It taste soooo good, with a touch of honey and a thin crispy outer layer of burnt sugar!!! Yummy~~~~~

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到仙台第一晚住哪裡?就在火車站附近的Dormy Inn荻之湯~~這家商業旅館超讚的,房間很乾淨,有免費網路 (這對出來玩還帶著工作的山姆大叔而言是大大的加分!!),而且還有室內及室外的溫泉,完全沒想到在市區裡也有溫泉旅館耶~~~ 重點是它的早餐超豐盛的,而且還是現烤的喔!!我發現日本人早餐都吃飯耶!!對我來說實在太豐盛了一點,但山姆大叔說這是他最愛的一頓早餐。

And where did we stayed for the first night? Dormy Inn Sendai Ekimae located right by the station. This hotel not only is clean and comfy, it also has free internet connection, and most impressive of all, indoor AND outdoor hot spring!!! Their breakfast is awesome as well, so many choices and grilled right in front of you!! This was Sam’s favorite breakfast from the whole trip~~

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~To be continued~

2 則留言:

  1. 那個早餐看起來真好吃... 我也想吃吃看!


  2. 那時完全沒想到日本會發生大地震啊.... 所以看到現在他們的處境感觸特別深...

