2005年12月8日 星期四

Ice Storm!!

Ok, it must be me, bringing the cold weather form Chicago to Texas. I thought I was done with the cold, and we were hit by the low temperature of 25 degrees out and rain.


Low temperature with rain often means bad news, and it brought an ice storm to Texas last night. Everything was frozen this morning according to Sam, who had to get up early for his presentation to go to school, but only to find that it was postponed because of the storm. A lot of people couldn't get to school because their car just won't start. Even Sam had to came back for help when he found out that the car lock was frozen and he couldn't open the door. I taught him a little trick to use hot water to melt away the ice. I guess living in cold weather for so long did teach me a thing or two.   I actually liked having snow rather than ice. Snow is easier to brush off the cars and is beautiful in a quiet way, but trying to break through ice is tougher and not fun at all.


I was very cold in bed last night because we only have a  heater in the living room. Sam stayed up preparing his presentation so I lost my personal heater as well. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning because it was sooo cold!! If it weren't for Sam dragging me out of the blankets, I probably would have stayed in bed all day!! I just hope this cold weather will go over soon and won't be happening too often.



