2007年4月13日 星期五

Brandi Carlile vs. Grey's Anatomy

在我冗長的電視節目單中, Grey's Anatomy (台譯:實習醫生) 是我僅次於 CSI 最愛看的影集, 不但劇中的俊男美女非常養眼, 我幾乎每一次都還會被它的劇情弄哭. 當然這除了必須具備良好的劇本之外, 音樂更是營造感人氣氛不可或缺的因素.


在昨晚的第三季回顧中, 最後播放了由Brandi Carlile所演唱的The story, 由簡單的吉他伴奏開頭, 漸漸進入強力抒情搖滾的衝擊, 加上Brandi Carlile高亢多變的嗓音詮釋出的澎湃情緒爆發力, 配上這一季的回顧劇情真是有夠貼切的. 之後上網查了一下發現其實她為Grey's Anatomy唱了四五首配樂, 可說是Grey's Anatomy絕佳配對啊!!!

我這次在網頁播放的是她在第三季的回顧中所演唱的The Story, 各位還可以到她的網站上去看配上Grey's Anatomy劇情的MV: http://www.sonymusic.com/artists/BrandiCarlile/mediaplayer/greysanatomy/


The Story - by Brandi Carlile


All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true...I was made for you

I climbed across the mountain tops
Swam all across the ocean blue
I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules
But baby I broke them all for you
Because even when I was flat broke
You made me feel like a million bucks
Yeah you do and I was made for you

You see the smile that's on my mouth
Is hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No, they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through but you do
And I was made for you...

這裡還有加上她配樂的劇情回顧, 歌曲是Tragedy, 單純的吉他加上清爽的合音真是超棒的, 歌詞也寫的非常好, 她的專輯都是她自己作詞作曲, 真的是才女啊!!!!



Tragedy - by Brandi Carlile 


Sorry I'm only   

Human you know me    

Grown up oh no guess again

My days always    

Dry up and blow away   

Sometimes I could do that too    

But make no mistake that

When you need a friend
You could count on anyone
But you know I'll defend
The tragedy that we knew as the end

Progress, changing
Growing then giving up
Somehow we're never quite prepared
But I understand it

When you need a friend
You could count on anyone
But you know I'll defend
The tragedy that we knew as the end

So taking you with me would be like
Taking all your money to the grave
It does no good to anyone especially
The one you're trying to save
But it's so hard not to save

When you need a friend
You could count on anyone
But you know I'll defend
The tragedy that we knew as the end


