2010年12月20日 星期一

Yosemite Part 2 – The Great Outdoors~

甚麼?你以為我已經介紹完了嗎?No、no、no,這才剛開始呢!!優勝美地的園區雖大,但在冬天很多路卻都不開放,因此能夠參觀的景點基本上都集中在Yosemite Valley 那一小區。雖然能玩的地方變少了,但是遊客也比夏天少很多不用到處跟別人擠,住宿也比較便宜,算是各有利弊吧!!是說我們也只來三天,就算所有的景點都有開放,我們也沒辦法都去啦~~ (自我安慰中....) 在Yosemite Valley 這區一年四季都有免費公車接駁遊客到各個景點實在非常的方便,特別是在冬天不用自己在結冰的路面上開車,感覺上安全許多。

Did you think I was done with talking about Yosemite?! No, no, no!!! I’ve just started!!!! Due to the high elevation, many areas in Yosemite were closed for winter, so most of the area we could visit were around Yosemite Valley. There were shuttle buses that stop at every main attraction within the Valley, and I found it very convenient, especially during winter, when the roads were all frozen!!!!


第二天一早我們從西邊140的入口進入園區,仍不忘充分發揮觀光客的本領到處停下來拍照~~ 我想我們還沒有完全從看見雪的興奮中清醒過來,總覺得這裡的景色怎麼都那麼美啊!!!

We entered from the west entrance the second day, and were still under the spill of the beautiful scenery. We stop frequently taking photos along the way,   totally acting like tourists!!!!!

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就在園區內的路上我們碰見了這個傢伙!!其實這是我們這兩天來差點撞到的第二隻鹿,前一天晚上的那隻更是驚險,若是我們開得快一點就真的撞上去了!!這是 Mule Deer,優勝美地裡只有這一種鹿。而這裡的鹿似乎都不太怕人,這個傢伙就這樣好整以暇的在大馬路上散步,蹬蹬蹬的從我們車旁走過。

Then we bumped into this fellow in the Park!! This was actually the second deer we almost hit in two days!!! There was one the night before which came really close!!! We would have hit him if we went any faster!!! Mule deer is the only kind of deer you can find in Yosemite. They didn’t seem to be afraid of people too much. This fellow was totally taking a walk on the road, pasting our car with casual~~

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因為這天天氣相當的好,我們決心要挑戰冬季園區簡介上所有的景點。這包含了三個還算簡單的hiking,雖然都是短短的一英里、兩英里,但是步道都沒有剷雪還整個結冰,而我們穿的也只是一般的球鞋,因此困難度增加不少 (話說第一天山姆大叔只是走去看公車路線牌就在站牌前摔了一大跤啊!!當時,真糗!!)。最恐怖的就是上下坡的步道結冰了根本無法行走,我們都在冰上滑倒好幾次,大家都得爬到欄杆外走在雪地上才不會滑倒,下坡時山姆大叔乾脆坐下來用溜的,實在有夠天才~~

Because the weather was so nice that day, we decided to hit as much scenic spots as we could!! This included 3 trails, nothing too challenging, each only one or two miles long. But it turned out to be a bit more difficult then we thought it would be!! We only have regular sneakers on and the trails were frozen with ice one some parts. The most challenging part was going up and down the hills, people had to  climb over the railing and walk on snow to stay on their feet. We both slipped and fell a few times, and Sam had enough of it!!! So he simply sat down and slide down the hill!!! It was so funny to watch!!!

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據說Bridalveil Fall終年有水不會乾枯,春天水多時水氣被風吹起就像新娘的頭紗一般因而得名。從照片真的很難感受到現場的氣勢,就在我們拿相機猛拍的時候,瀑布旁的冰突然轟隆隆的掉下來一大塊,聲勢還挺嚇人的。

It is said that water would never dry up at Bridalveil Fall. In fact the water is so copious during spring time that when wind blows, this mist is like a bride’s veil. Just as we were taking photos, a huge piece of ice by the fall fell and the rumbling echoed in the valley putting on a show. It was quite awesome!!!

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另一個一定要去看的就是Lower Yosemite Fall。這段步道很漂亮,應該是來優勝美地一定要來的景點。穿過一片松樹林、跨過一座小橋,轉個彎赫然出現在眼前的,就是上下兩段的 Yosemite Falls 。步道一路延伸到 Lower Yosemite Falls的山腳下,融雪造成的溪流清澈見底,我知道我已經說過很多次了,但就是一整個美啊!!

If you came to Yosemite and didn’t walk the Lower Yosemite Fall Trail, you might as well not come at all. This was a easy walk to see beautiful sceneries in the Park. There were tall pine forests, small bridges over crystal clear creeks, and of course, awesome views of the Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls!!!

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等公車時回望Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls,以及遠方的Half Dome。

Looking back at the Falls and Half Dome while waiting for the shuttle.

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Mirror Lake 位於Yosemite Valley 東邊,就在Half Dome 山腳下。平時的車道完全被雪覆蓋,現在變成人走的步道。我們就是在這裡又近距離的遇見一隻鹿,牠的目標是到湖邊的樹叢尋找晚餐,對身邊一大群圍觀的遊客完全視若無睹....。

Mirror Lake is located on the east end of Yosemite Valley, just under the foot hills of Half Dome. As we were walking on the snow-covered driveway, we saw another Mule Deer (I was the first one who spotted it, by the way~~). It came down the hills and crossed the path just a few feet in front of us, walking straight toward the bushes by the water to find dinner, totally ignoring all the flashing cameras around him~

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When we finally arrived at the lake, sun was starting to set already.  Half Dome reflecting from the lake, mist raising from the river. It was so quiet, so peaceful, so calm.

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若是各位想在冬天挑戰難度更高的步道,遊客中心旁的商店有雪鞋 (Snowshoes) 及滑雪用具可租。我覺得外國人他們都很厲害,年紀小小的就跟著爸媽出來在雪地健行,還有人帶著小寶寶來耶!!!當我們在結冰的步道上行走時還看見小孩就坐在爸爸的肩膀上,看得我膽戰心驚的,深怕他們一個不小心小孩就摔了下來,果然真的就有一位爸爸滑倒了,還好跌倒時小孩剛好坐到爸爸身上....。所以我個人覺得除非做爸媽的有一直要背小孩的覺悟,冬天的優勝美地實在不適合小小孩來,我想,是我的話還是在一旁陪小孩堆堆雪人就好了吧...。

There’s also a sports shop by the visitor center that rents snow shoes and skis for those who would like to challenge the more difficult trails. I personally admire all the people I see taking their small kids with them on the hikes. I don’t know if I would have the courage to do that. If it’s up to me, I would just enjoy the snow by building a snowman and then hide back into the warm cabin with a cup of hot cocoa in hand!!

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2 則留言:

  1. 我也是夏天去的,Bridalveil Fall的水氣也比較豐沛,但是看到它在冬季裡的樣子完全不輸給夏季,感覺也很壯觀又特別. 想不到冬天的優勝美地這麼美,謝謝你的照片分享喔

  2. Dear Amy,
    夏天去一定又是另一番景象吧!!! Yosemite真是個多貌的好地方啊~~

