2010年11月8日 星期一


It is that time again!!! It’s time for persimmons~~ I fell in love with it last year when we went persimmons picking with Phoebe. This year, it’s only Sam and I, but we had a whole lot of fun – despite the boiling sun!!! I think Sam ate a whole bag worth of persimmons right there and then!!!!
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結在樹上的柿子外皮佈滿了果粉,摘下後用衣服擦一擦就變得相當光亮~~ 連皮都不用削,就這樣咬下去,好吃極了!!
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柿子採完,山姆大叔還意猶未盡。他說,"走吧!!去Julian吃蘋果派!!" 於是我們又一點也不順路的開了40幾分鐘到Julian去。用新鮮蘋果現烤的蘋果派真是好吃到沒話說~~~ 熱熱的派加上冰淇淋真是絕配啊!!(人的臉就是這樣圓起來的....)
After picking two buckets full of persimmons, Sam felt its not enough. He decided we should go to Julian for apple pie!!! So we went out of our way to Julian, and we ordered a fresh baked apply pie topped with vanilla ice cream!!! Can I just say YUMMY~~~~~~ (No wonder my face is getting rounder and rounder…)
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Persimmons Farm:(去之前最好打電話去問還有沒有的採,免的白跑一趟喔~~)
地址: 15462 Adams Dr, Pauma Valley, CA 92061
電話: 760-207-6612


