2010年11月24日 星期三


平時不太下雨的聖地牙哥在我們正式搬家那天下了整天的大雨,然後在我們把最後一個箱子搬進新家之後雨就停了.... 我們還真是 "幸運"....。這幾天仍在搬一些零星的東西,新家仍然沒有網路和電視,所以每天都還是往舊家報到。我發現還是不要太常搬家比較好,因為家裡一亂我心情就不好然後就很常跟山姆大叔吵架,實在很傷感情耶!!接下來幾天是美國的感恩節假期,新家都還沒住熱我們就要出去玩了,行程真是排得相當的緊湊。我想回來之後我應該就累爆了吧.....。


It doesn’t rain very often in San Diego, but it was just our luck that it rained all day on our moving day, and just as we moved the last box into our new place, the rain stopped. We’re still in the process of clearing out our old place and there’re still no internet and cable in our new place, so we’re still running back and forth between the two places. Thank God they are only just a few blocks away!!! I found that it is best not to move too often, because I would be very short tempered when things are not in order, and Sam would become the victim of this chaos….. Poor guy, I can’t remember how many times I had lashed out at him in the past few days!! It is Thanksgiving here in the US, and we will be out traveling. I don’t know what we were thinking, going away right after our move!!!! I’m sure I’ll be sore all over when I come back from our trip!!!!

For those who celebrate Thanksgiving, wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!!!

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