2011年6月5日 星期日

Mom Visiting~~

四月底時鄒媽媽從台灣跑來美國玩,主要是要去密西根找姊姊和妹妹。但因為來回都會經過加州,所以就順便停留幾天拜訪阿姨和我們兼調時差。我們到LA接她那天和表妹及阿姨去逛比佛利山莊著名的Rodeo Drive!!就是電影麻雀變鳳凰中超多買不起精品店的那條街。其實Rodeo Drive只是短短的一條小巷子,但是裝飾得很漂亮,特別是燈上的花籃,花開的超美的~~~

Mom came to visit us in April and May. Since she flew in through LA, we went out with Lucy Auntie and Kei-Kei when we were there to pick her up. They took us to the famous Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. It is just a short alley,  but very pretty, especially those flower baskets hanging on the lamp posts!!!!

2011-04-24 Beverly Hills

逛一逛累了又到了吃下午茶的時間~~漂亮表妹的阿娜答Ronnie先生帶我們去附近有名的Sweet Lady Jane吃好吃的蛋糕!!這間店小小的,但真是小有名氣,許多名人都會來這裡訂蛋糕,甚至指名他們來做婚禮蛋糕。他們標榜的是用新鮮的原料來做蛋糕,所以不會過於甜膩,而事實上真是如此,我們點的巧克力草莓蛋糕和Oreo起司蛋糕看起來會很甜膩吃起來一點也不覺得,相當的好吃喔~~~ 他們店裡最著名的其實是Triple Berry Shortcake,但是已經賣完了,遺憾啊.....。

Afterwards Ronnie took us to Sweet Lady Jane for afternoon tea. This is a famous bakery in West Hollywood~~ They ran out of their famous Triple Berry Shortcake, so we ordered  Chocolate Strawberry Cake and Oreo Cheesecake. I have to say their deserts were quite delicious, not too overly sweet as a lot of American deserts are.

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回到聖地牙哥我們也沒閒著,來這裡必去的景點可是一個都沒少去喔~~ 先是La Jolla的海邊,春天正好是這裡最美麗的季節,花開得美極了!!

While mom was in San Diego, I took her to all the must see places in this area. First up is La Jolla beach. Spring is the most beautiful season here. Lots of flower blooming everywhere~~

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Balboa Park當然也是一定要去的囉~~ 西班牙式的建築和美美的花朵是這裡最吸引人之處。那天萬里無雲陽光普照,是典型的聖地牙哥氣候啊!!

Balboa Park is also a must visit in San Diego. The Spanish style building and various plants are the main attraction of this place. It was a bright and sunny day, typical San Diego weather~~~

2011-04-27 Balboa Park

我還帶鄒媽媽去逛了UCSD不怎麼美的校園....。有沒有發現媽媽很愛穿那件紅毛衣?沒記錯的話是外婆打的喔~ 拍起來真得相當出色呢!!

We also visited the UCSD campus. Did you see mom seemed to wear that red sweater like everywhere?! If I remembered correctly, it was made by grandma.

2011-05-22 UCSD

Seaport Village也是必去的景點,在海邊的餐廳吃飯享受美景~~ 可惜那天實在有點冷,天氣陰陰的,五月竟然比四月還冷啊....。

Next up is Seaport Village, to see the ships and dine the sea. Too bad the weather didn’t corporate that day. It’s so strange that May was colder then April….

2011-05-23 Seaport Village

會來聖地牙哥動物原其實是個美麗的錯誤。這是鄒媽媽指定要來玩的景點,因為她說好多年前有來過一次,但因為是跟團的行程匆匆連張照片都沒拍到,所以想再來一次。等到我們進去之後鄒媽媽說怎麼跟記憶中的都不一樣,不是應該有很多海豚和魚嗎??ㄟ... 親愛的媽媽,有魚的那個是Sea World啦!!不是動物園ㄟ....。即使搞錯了,我們還是玩得很開心,也許正好是季節,好多剛孵出的小鳥,最特別的是看見孔雀媽媽大喇喇的帶著孔雀寶寶們在逛大街,超酷的!!

I would totally recommend San Diego Zoo to anyone, but the reason we came was because mom specifically said she want to come. She said she visited the Zoo many years ago, but was so hurried by the tour she didn’t even get a picture, so we went to the Zoo. When we were inside, mom said it looked totally different, “Where’s all the fish and dolphins?”, she asked. Um…. my dearest mom, I think the place you visited was not the Zoo, it was Sea World….. Although it was a beautiful mistake, we still had a lot of fun. Maybe it was that time of there year, there were many baby birds!! The most special was seeing a peacock mother strolling around with her babies right in front of us~~ They are so cute!!

2011-05-26 San Diego Zoo with Mom


Just want to show off my giraffe T-shirt, in case you haven’t noticed!! Even the zoo keeper said she would get one when she saw my shirt~~ ^^

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來動物園必看的熊貓~ 全部都在睡覺....。

The famous Panda exhibit~~ All sleeping….. By the way, are any of you going to see Kung Fu Pando II?!

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This Polar Bear was totally enjoying the San Diego sun~~ The interpreter said the reason why Polar Bears can live in sunny San Diego is because they changed their diet, so they won’t grow as much fat, which keeps them warm in North Pole,  how cool~~

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This elephant was eating up a paper box. He must be very hungry….

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Picnicking at the Zoo~~

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來到這裡當然要去看長頸鹿囉~~~~ 長頸鹿寶寶超可愛的!!我愛長頸鹿~~

OK, do I need to say more?! I love giraffe~~~~

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When we were at home, mom was busy catching up with her Korean Soap Operas…. And of course, it is only fit to have some Korean BBQ~~

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It was so nice to have mom here~~ I was depressed for days after she left…. So mom, when will you cone again??


