2010年11月15日 星期一



I found myself the type of person that does not function well in chaos. Whenever the house gets too messy, my temper runs short easily and Sam would become the victim of such chaos. I think this is the main reason I’m so not motivated to pack yet, despite we are moving this coming weekend…. I really hate the packing part. If only we can skip packing all together and go straight to moving!!!


但是搬家也不是沒有好處,這是強迫自己淘汰掉一些東西的最佳時機。週末在清衣櫃的時候,我終於痛下決心要淘汰掉一些已經穿不下的衣服,結果現實果真非常殘酷,我一共試了16條褲子,其中只有照片中右邊的三件是 "勉強" 可以扣得上的,其他通通穿不下.... 慘!!!所以各位如果看我老是穿同樣那兩條褲子請不要取笑我,因為我是真的只有那兩條褲子還拉的上去..... 完全就是怪加州的美食太多啦!!!搬到新家之後我們會有10天沒有電視及網路....。真不知道到時我要拿我自己怎麼辦?!

But moving is not all bad. This is the best time to get rid of stuff that we never use!!! I finally decided to clean out my closet this past weekend, and found that reality is sometimes really cruel….. I tried on 16 pairs of pants, and could only fit in the 3 on the far right corner of the photo – barely….. I totally blame it on all the delicious food they have here in CA!!!! We will have 10 days without cable and internet after our move. What am I going to do with myself?!

2 則留言:

  1. 你又要搬了!?是合約到了嗎。號然很愛搬家的我也搬到火大不想再搬了...。總之,搬家就是要小心不要受傷啦。

  2. Dear Tina,
    對啊~~ 合約又到了,然後房租又漲的不像話 - 將近漲20%耶!!!!! 當然是不能忍受囉~~~ 總之就是逃不了年年搬家的命運啦!!!!

