2011年6月13日 星期一

Memorial Day Holiday 吃吃團

話說趁著Memorial Day三天連假,我們一行人又與阿姨、表妹到Las Vegas去玩。與其說是去玩,到不如說是去大吃一頓比較貼切。畢竟我們又不賭,而這次是真的連吃角子老虎都沒摸到。

We went to Las Vegas again during the Memorial Day weekend with Lucy Auntie and Kei-Kei, not really for the gambling, but for the buffet!!!!

在從LA往賭城的路上,一個叫做Apple Valley的地方。名字聽起來很美,但事實上一片沙漠,到底哪裡有蘋果我實在看不出來。其實媽媽在好多年前曾經在這裡買過一塊地,因此我們還特地繞了過去看這一片傳說中的土地。天啊.... 真的是LITERALLY in the middle of no where !!!!! 你也想擁有一片加州的土地嗎?歡迎各位來做鄰居~~

On our way from LA to Vegas, we had to pass a town called Apple Valley. Mom have a piece of land there, so we made a stop to see that land. It is LITERALLY in the middle of no where…. So, if you ever want a piece of California, you are more then welcome to be our neighbor!!!!

IMG_3287 IMG_3288IMG_3290 IMG_3295

這次漂亮表妹幫我們訂的旅館是川普大旅社~~ 這間豪華旅館才新開幕沒多久,裡面的佈置風格當然完全走川普大王最愛的金碧輝煌奢華風,裡面的房間超棒的,還有個小廚房,特別是那個洗手間,不但有獨立寬敞的淋浴間,還有超大按摩浴缸,連鏡子上都還有電視,讚啊!!這間旅館由於沒有賭場通常價位比較便宜些,但我們覺得很不方便的是他們一定要代客停車,所以拿車時都要等上一陣子,進出比較浪費時間。除此之外實在沒有甚麼好抱怨的啊!!

This time we stayed in the Trump Hotel. This luxurious hotel just opened not too long ago, so it is all new and sparkly!!! Their room was very nice, we especially love the bathroom, so big and spacious!!!! Because Trump Hotel does not have a casino, it is a little bit cheaper then the hotels in the same level. The only negative thing we felt about it was its mandatory valet parking. Because people were constantly coming and going, it took a long time for them to get to our car when heading in and out. But other then that, this was a really nice place to stay!!!


來到賭城就是為了吃奢華的Buffet啊!!我們這次吃的是Wynn Casino裡的自助餐,他們的菜色還算精致,除了一定有的蟹腳、牛排之外,有很多是平時比較不常見的歐洲料理,味道也很不錯。

Buffet was what we were there for!!! We ate at Wynn Casino’s buffet that night. Their food was quite tasty. Besides the usual crab legs and roast beef, there were also some unusual European cuisine.

2011-05-29 Las Vegas with mom1

當然我的最愛還是他們的甜點啦!!!樣式之多真的光吃甜點就會飽了。強力推薦他們的冰淇淋、Rocky Road 蛋糕和crème brûlée,超好吃的!!!由於碰上連續假期,價格比平時貴上很多,但菜色並沒有甚麼不同,有點被海削了一頓的感覺。基本上這是一家我會想再度光顧的自助餐,只是一定要平常日來就好了,不然實在划不來。

Of course my favorite was their deserts!!!!! You should see their deserts section, so many choices to choose from!! I love their ice cream and Rocky Road cake and crème brûlée, soooo yummy!!!!! The only thing about this place was the price was a bit more expansive then usual that night due to the Memorial weekend, but Kei Kei said the menu was pretty much the same as regular days. So if you would like to try this place out, don’t come during the holidays.

2011-05-29 Las Vegas with mom2IMG_3356 IMG_3371


Love the décor at this place~~



We’ve visited Wynn two years ago, but this was our first time to see Encore. Their theme is butterflies~~



Night view of Las Vegas!! This place really comes alive at night.


Bellagio裡的花園,這次配合Memorial Day的主題,放置了許多美國獨特的地標。最喜歡的是那幅用花構成的畫,很特別~~

Bellagio’s garden with a patriotic theme. My favorite was the landscape painting made out of flowers~


隔天表妹帶我們去 m&m world,裡面一棟四層樓都是 m&m 的東西,一進到裡面大家都變成了小孩子,對整面的m&m彩色牆讚嘆不已!!這裡很多m&m的顏色都是外面買不到的,對吃毫無抵抗力的山姆大叔當然又裝了一大袋的糖果帶走。裡面的週邊商品都超可愛的,還好我們有點趕時間,不然真不知會在裡面迷失多久~

The next day we visited m&m world!!! Just look at the wall of m&m candies~~~ Of course Sam had to get a bag of them!!! All their products were really cute, too!!!


來賭城大家都知道要去吃賭場裡的buffet,但是很少人知道拉斯維加斯也有個不小的中國城,那裡也有許多好吃的,例如日本料理吃到飽,中午一個人才$20有找,味道以美國的日本料理來說算是還不錯。其實中午價位的菜色已經很不錯了,但若是願意多付三塊錢 $22.95 晚餐的價位,則還可以點生蠔、海膽、甜蝦等特殊的生魚片!!各位,不要忘了這是吃到飽喔!!除了少數某些菜色有限量一人只能點三盤之外,任何生魚片、手捲、肉串、甜不辣都可以無限吃喔!!!有沒有很讚?!所以下次來到賭城吃膩了西式的Buffet,別忘了還可以光顧一下中國城,來吃日本料理吃到飽喔~~

Everyone who been to Vegas knew all about the casino buffets, but only a few knew there’s actually a China Town in Vegas, and there are many restaurant choices over there as well. Like this Japanese Buffet, costs less then $20 during lunch, and if you are willing to pay the dinner price for three bucks more, then you can also order specialties such as oyster, uni, and sweet shrimp. But even if you just go with the lunch menu, you’ll have more then enough choices. So if you are tired of all the casino buffets, don’t forget to visit China Town for a change~

2011-05-36Kaya Sushi
4355 W. Spring Mountain Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89102

回程路上經過M Resort~~ 雖是提外話,但我發現Legging真是個可怕的東西,穿在身上因為伸縮性大很舒服所以就會無預警的一直吃下去....。這到底是不是吃到飽的良伴呢?!

Stopping at M Resort on our way back home. I just want to say the legging is such a dangerous piece of clothing, because its so comfortable and flexible, I ate more then usual…. So bad….


回到LA我們仍是不停的吃,一定要跟各位介紹一下那兩天吃到的港式西餐廳。首先是Face Café,早餐套餐最貴的$6有找,一份套餐兩人吃絕對足夠,飲料還可以無限續杯,真的是沒有比這個更經濟實惠的了!!我們六人點了五份還差一點吃不完,那些粥真是好吃!!

More eating when we got back to LA. I have to say LA’s food is sooo delicious and cheap!! Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t live there cause then I won’t be gaining just ten pounds since I moved to California….

scan0001Face Café
301 E. Valley Blvd. , Alhambra, CA 91801
626-282-8899 / 626-299-0833
Breakfast: 7am~11am / Lunch Hour: 11am~5pm


scan0004scan0005scan0006Baccali Café
245 West Valley Blvd., Alhambra, CA 91801
Lunch Hour: 11am~4pm

漂亮表妹還大力推薦我們去最近聽說很夯的奶茶店 - 伴伴堂,果真是人山人海耶!!點了一杯他們的人氣飲料焦糖布丁旦伴奶,並不便宜,要$4.35一杯,但真是好喝!!!我表妹真是超白的,和她站在一起我真是一整個黑.....。

2011-05-37Half & Half Tea House
120 N. San Gabriel Blvd. #H, San Gabriel, CA 91778
Hour: 12pm~1am

感謝Ronnie那幾天充當我們的司機兼導遊,還不斷表演餘興節目逗大家開心。這真的是一趟很愉快的旅行~~ 致於回來後體重多了幾磅,我們就不要太追究了....。

Thank you Ronnie for being our driver and tour guide and entertainment. We had a really great time~~ As for how many ponds I gained during the trip? Let’s just not think about it to much…..

3 則留言:

  1. Las Vegas的夜景真的很漂亮,讓人眼花撩亂..

    by the way,我也喜歡那 m&m world。^___^

  2. Dear趴趴牛,
    那個m&m world超有趣的,旁邊還有一家是可口可樂的,應該也會很好玩~~

  3. 我喜歡可口可樂...

